歡迎來到 奧勒崗州波特蘭臺灣信義教會
Welcome to Portland Taiwan Lutheran Church
Due to COVID-19 and for the health safety of our church congregation, we are currently worship in person at the church, and also online through google meet at 9:30 am every Sunday! We also have Adult Sunday School from 10:45am - 12:00pm every 3rd Sunday of the month. Please join us in person or online.
Fellowship after service on the 4th Sunday of the month.
Please Email Us for Link to Our Sunday Online Service
波特蘭臺灣信義教會是波特蘭唯一一間”正港”用臺灣話來敬拜上帝的教會。在波特蘭留學工作的臺灣鄉親們, 懷念我們鄉土味的語言和文化嗎? 是否在工作求學的路上遇到困難? 歡迎大家來我們這間小卻五臟俱全的教會, 彼此分享生活上的點點滴滴, 用信仰來互相扶持領受上帝豐盛的慈愛和恩典。
Our Church
Portland Taiwan Lutheran church is the only church in Portland metro area using Taiwanese to worship God. Do you miss Taiwanese language and cultures? Do you face any difficulty or frustration within your work, studying, or your life in Portland. We hope you can come to join our small church and share your life with us. Let s us use faith to support each other and receive God’s abundant blessing and love.
想參加我們禮拜, 家庭聚會包含查經及見證分享, 請聯络我們同工會
New to our church?
Wish to join us in our Sunday service, bible study, and share your testimony, please contact our council.